This workshop is concerned with probabilistic and statistical topics for stochastic processes for dependent data, like Markov, semi-Markov, autoregressive and piecewise deterministic Markov models. A special attention will be payed to applications in reliability, survival analysis and related fields.
The workshop will take place at the University of Rouen Normandy.
You will be welcome in the main hall of the UFR Sciences et Techniques
Avenue de l'Université
All talks are scheduled at the amphitheater D.
Organizing Committee
- Ouerdia ARKOUN (Sup'Biotech & LMRS)
- Edwige AUVRAY (LMRS)
- Vlad Stefan BARBU (LMRS), co-chair
- Jean-Baptiste BARDET (LMRS), co-chair
- Jean-Yves BRUA (LMRS), public relationship responsible
- Nicolas VERGNE (LMRS)
Scientific Committee
- Patrice BERTAIL, Université Paris Nanterre, CREST
- Nikolaos LIMNIOS, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
- Florent MALRIEU, Université de Tours
- Serguei PERGAMENCHTCHIKOV, Université de Rouen Normandie
- Vasile PREDA, Institut de Statistique Mathématique et Mathématiques Appliquées "Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob" de l'Académie de Bucarest, Université de Bucarest
- Emmanuel REMY, EDF R&D
- Brigitte VALLEE, GREYC, Université de Caen Normandie